
This website is out of date, please go to for the latest on Internet censorship research at UNM.

People affiliated with ConceptDoppler in one way or another:

Earl Barr, U.C. Davis
Michael Byrd, U.C. Davis
Bryan Cheng, University of New Mexico
Jed Crandall, University of New Mexico
Rich East, Independent Researcher
Antonio Espinoza, University of New Mexico
Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico
Ronald Garduño, University of New Mexico
Leif Guillermo, University of New Mexico
Terran Lane, University of New Mexico
Jong Park, University of New Mexico
Jared Saia, University of New Mexico
Veronika Strnadova, University of New Mexico
Erik Webb, University of New Mexico
Daniel Zinn, U.C. Davis

ConceptDoppler is a weather tracker for Internet censorhsip, being developed by researchers at the University of New Mexico and U.C. Davis. Contact for more information.

Check out our FAQ.

A list of the words filtered in GET requests discovered by ConecptDoppler as of 18 June 2008 is here. Some past lists are available here and here. We have reduced the more recent lists to the minimal set of character strings that are actually blocked. There seems to have been major changes made to the blacklist in early February. Watch this space for more lists as they become available.

Update: Team member Jed Crandall was interviewed for the KOAT Albuquerque channel 7 news, the Albuquerque Journal, and KSFR public radio in Santa Fe. See the UNM CS department's news archive for links to the video, article, and audio.

Update: Team member Daniel Zinn was interviewed for an article in Der Spiegel magazine (#18 in 2008). A PDF of the article is available here, and an English-language translation is available here.

Update: The ConceptDoppler project is mentioned in an article in the March 2008 Atlantic Monthly.

Press releases: U.C. Davis, University of New Mexico.
Press: BBC, Schneier on Security, EWeek, Slashdot, The California Aggie, Epoch Times, Ars Technica, WSJ Business Technology Blog, Albuquerque Tribune, Daily Lobo
In other languages: Viet Namese, 2, 3, Spanish, Chinese (Big5), (GB), Czech, German, French, Japanese, Norwegian, Arabic, Romanian

Paper: here.
CCS Presentation: here.


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