Past courses:

Fall 2013: CS 485/ECE 440/CS 585: Computer Networks

Spring 2013: CS 491/591 (Computer and Network Security), plus I co-taught CS 444/544 (Introduction to Cybersecurity) with Antonio Espinoza.

Fall 2012: CS 485/ECE 440/CS 585: Computer Networks

Spring 2012: CS 481: Computer Operating Systems, plus I co-taught CS 445/544: Introduction to Cybersecurity with Roya Ensafi.
Fall 2011: CS 485/ECE 440/CS 585: Computer Networks

Spring 2011: CS 444/544: Introduction to Cybersecurity
Fall 2010: CS 485/ECE 440/CS 585: Computer Networks

Spring 2010: CS 491/591: Computer Security and Privacy
Fall 2009: CS 341L: Computer Organization and Design

Spring 2009: CS 491/591: Computer Security and Privacy
Fall 2008: CS 341L: Computer Organization and Design

Spring 2008: CS 591: Computer Security and Privacy
Fall 2007: CS 341L: Computer Organization and Design