陆肆 ("Lu Si", another way of writing 六四, or Liu Si, in reference to the Tiananmen Square protests that occurred on June 4th, 1989.) 六四 ("Liu Si", in reference to the Tiananmen Square protests that occurred on June 4th, 1989. This is literally the numbers "64".) 学潮 ("Student movement", also a reference to the events of June, 1989) 操你妈 ("Fuck your mother") 法轮 ("Falun", a reference to the Falun Gong movement) flg (initials for Falun Gong) falungong ("falungong") falundafa ("falundafa", another name for Falun Gong) 九评 ("Nine Commentaries", a reference to "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party", a critique of China's government published in 2004 by the Epoch Times, a Falun-Gong-supported news organization) fuck ("fuck") 真善忍 (These three characters are zhen, shan and ren, which correspond to Falun Gong principles) 退党网 ("Quit the party", possibly in reference to a petition or a news event.) 大纪元 ("Epoch Times", a news organization affiliated with Falun Gong that is often critical of China's government.) 吾尔开希 ("Wu'er Kaixi", a student leader from the Tiananmen protests of 1989.) 方励之 ("Fang Lizhi", a professor who was expelled from China in 1987 because of the student movement that was inspired by his liberal ideas, in the years leading up to June, 1989.) 明慧网 (Loosely translates to "Enlightenment Web", the name of minghui.org, which is a Falun Gong website.) 少女洗澡 ("Girls bathing") 民主促进委员会 ("Democracy Promotion Committee") 信访通讯录 ("Petition contacts", this appears to be a list of government organizations in China that can be contacted with various kinds of grievances.) 反黑申诉联盟 ("Triad Alliance appeal"???. It appears that Chen Shu-Wei sued telecommunications companies and the ruling went against him, so he filed an appeal with a single word, "fuck", in protest. This keyword seems to be a name of a ministry that handles telecommunications fraud cases or something, or maybe something to do with a pyramid scheme that spread via mobile phones. ???) 未来中国论坛 ("Future China Forum", a banned website.) 观音法门 ("Quan Yin Method", a Buddhist meditation method.) 高勤荣 ("Gao Qinrong", a former reporter for China's official Xinhua News Agency who was imprisoned for 8 years after writing an article about a scam irrigation project. The article was never published but was widely circulated. He was sentenced to 12 years for embezzlement, fraud, and pimping, but served only 8 years.) 李培英 ("Li Peiying", a former airport manager who was executed for embezzlement and accepting bribes.) 杜崇烟 ("Du Chong Yan", a former communist party member who was sentenced for accepting bribes, rape, and other crimes.) 段义和 ("Duan Yihe", a former communist party member executed for accepting bribes and homicide. He allegedly killed his mistress with a bomb that also injured two bystanders.) 胡紧掏 ("Hu Jintao", president of the People's Republic of China.) 全球人文纪元 ("Global Human Epoch", a photography contest sponsored by Epoch Weekly.) 龙虎门每周会 ("Dragon Tiger Gate Weekly", appears to have something to do with an online card game.) 情色六月天 ("Erotic June Day", a porn website that some Chinese youth were arrested for being involved with, many of them college students.) 金人庆 ("Jin Ren Qing", a former communist party member who resigned. Some think the reasons for his resignation are related to corruption and a sex scandal.) 吕耿松 ("Lu Geng Song", this teacher was expelled from public office in 1993 for pro-democracy activities and wrote some books and articles critical of China's government. He is now in prison.) 黄菊 ("Huang Ju", a politician who was a powerful member of the "Shanghai Clique", a political clique associated with former president Jiang Zemin. He and his family members were involved in various corruption cases.) 王维工 ("Wang Wei Gong", he was involved in a social security fund embezzlement case in Shanghai.) 余慧文 ("Yu Huiwen", Huang Ju's wife, who was involved in some of the corruption cases associated with him.) 江绵恒 ("Jiang Mianheng", this is Jiang Zemin's son. He was caught up in an embezzlement scandal.) 刘延东 ("Liu Yandong", she is the highest ranking female in the communist party and a member of the politburo. She is caught up in a scandal involving her son-in-law.) 张德江 (Zhang Dejiang) 赵紫阳 ("Zhao Ziyang", a former politician who was sympathetic to the June 4th Tiananmen Square protesters.) 段桂青 ("Duan Gui Qing", she's the assistant chief of the Beijing police.) 联名上书 ("Petition", ???) 瘟家宝 ("Wen Jiabao", he's the Premier of the People's Republic of China and a leading economic policy figure.) 温宝宝 ("Wen baobao", means "mild baby", and is a reference to Wen Jiabao.) 公子党 ("Son of the party", probably a reference to nepotism.) 寡头政治 ("Oligarchy", probably a reference to nepotism.) 血腥和谐 ("Bloody Harmony", probably a reference to Hu Jintao's "harmonious society".) 公误员 ("Gone Wu Yuan", this has the same pinyin, i.e., same pronunciation and tone, as "公务员", which means "office bearer", except that the middle character is changed to mean "mistake" instead of "affairs".) 和邪社会 ("Harmony Evil Society", a corruption of "和谐社会", which means "harmonious society", that has the same pinyin. Harmonious society is Hu Jintao's vision for content middle class society in China. The second character is corrupted to sound the same, but means "evil" instead of "harmony".) 河蟹社会 ("River Crab Society", also a corruption of "和谐社会", which means "harmonious society". The pinyin is not quite the same, the second character has a down tone instead of an up tone in this case and means "crab". The river crab has become an online symbol of Internet censorship and other forms of censorship because of its closeness to "harmonious" in terms of pronunciation.) 党内民主 ("Democracy within the (Communist) Party", a reference to Hu Jintao's policy of promoting democracy but without changing the status quo in terms of the party itself.) 民主联盟党 ("Democratic Coalition Party") 民众法治联盟 ("People's rule of law coalition") 马宾 ("Mabin", a person, formerly known as "Zhang Yuan". He was part of the communist revolution. He signed the "Letter of the Fourteen", a letter by fourteen former revolutionaries that is opposed to the introduction of capitalism in China.) 韩西雅 ("Han Xi Ya", also a figure in the communist party with a long history. He also signed the "Letter of the Fourteen".) 李锐 ("Li Rui", also a communist party elder, he wrote an open letter to the National People's Congress calling for an end to censorship.) 威权统治 ("Authoritarian rule") 恽小华 ("Yun Xiao-hua", a Nanjing University professor who was murdered on campus.) 汪兆钧 ("Wang Zhaojun", he wrote an open letter about social and other conditions.) 郑存柱 ("Zheng Cun Zhu", he was denied a passport extension for pro-Democracy activities.) 聂树斌 ("Nie Shubin", he was executed in 1995. His family feels that he was wrongly accused, many contend that he was innocent but was coerced with torture into admitting to the crimes of rape and murder.) 公务员替考 ("Office bearer substitute test taker", probably in reference to the children of powerful people hiring others to take school exams for them.) 雅思替考 ("IELTS substitute test taker", IELTS is the International English Language Testing System.) 英语代考 ("English test replacement") CCNA代考语 ("CCNA langauge exam substitute", CCNA is perhaps "Cisco Certified Network Associate".) 代考网 ("Test replacement network") 替考网 ("Test substitute network") 枪手网 ("Test substitute network") 助考网 ("Test assistance network") 帮你代考 ("Help you replacement for exam") 帮你替考 ("Help you substitute test taker") 刷刷臭虫 ("Scrub the stink bugs", may be in reference to stink bugs that are destroying crops in China.) 共匪 ("Gangsters") 叶国强 ("Xie Guo Qiang", he and his brother appear to have been arrested in Beijing in connection with protesting against housing demolitions there.) 叶国柱 ("Xie Guo Zhu", Xie Guo Qiang's brother.) pengou ("pengou") 李国谅 ("Li Guo Liang", also appears to have been arrested in connection with demolitions in Beijing.) 中文维基百科 ("Chinese-language Wikipedia") BBC中文网 ("BBC Chinese-langauge Online") 中国时报电子报 ("China Times Electronic Newsletter") 中时部落格 ("China Times Blog") 星岛日报 ("Sing Tao Daily", a newspaper.) 星岛日报美国版 ("Sing Tao Daily U.S. Edition") 新加坡星洲日报 ("Singapore Sin Chew Jit Poh", Sin Chew Jit Poh is a leading Chinese-language newspaper in Malaysia.) 星洲日报马来西亚版 ("Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Version") 亚洲周刊 ("Asia Weekly") 苹果日报台湾版 ("Apple Daily Taiwan Version") 雅虎香港 ("Yahoo Hong Kong") 雅虎台湾新闻 ("Yahoo Taiwan News") 谷歌博客 ("Google Blogger") 维基百科 ("Wikipedia") 美国在线中文版 ("Chinese version of America Online") 美国之音 ("Voice of America") BBC新闻网 ("BBC News Online") 台湾中央社 ("Taiwan's Central News Agency") 香港賽马会 ("Hong Kong Jockey Club", racing, sports, and gaming entertainment.) 界日报 ("Community newspaper") 无线卫星电视台 ("Wireless Satellite TV") 明报新闻网新闻特辑 ("Ming Pao Daily News news features") 东森新闻网 ("Eastern Broadcasting Network") 东森电视 ("Eastern Broadcasting") 亚洲时报 ("Asia Times") 美国在线新闻网 ("AOL News") 加拿大国际广播电台 ("Radio Canada International") 开源软件项目专业网站 ("Open source software project professional website", this is apparently a reference to when SourceForge was blocked for a month in China.) 加拿大广播公司 ("Canadian Broadcasting Corporation") 苹果日报香港版 ("Apple Daily Hong Kong Edition") 中文维基百科加密版 ("Encrypted version of the Chinese-language Wikipedia") 自由时报 ("Liberty Times") 中央日报 ("Central Daily News") 尼奥宠物 ("Neopets", a virtual pet website.) 德国之声中文网 ("Chinese-language Deutsche Welle Online") 国际特赦 ("Amnesty International") 无国界记者 ("Reporters Without Borders") 记者无国界 ("Reporters Without Borders") 人权观察 ("Human Rights Watch") 自由亚洲电台 ("Radio Free Asia") 西藏之歌 ("Song of Tibet") 朱云来 ("Levin Zhu", Zhu Rongji's son, who is involved with finance.) 张宏良 ("Zhang Hongliang", this person is also involved with finance.) 钟洁锦 ("Zhong Jie Jin", this person is also involved with finance.) 汪兆钧 ("Wang Zhaojun", wrote an open letter about the future of China which discussed may financial issues.) 郑存柱 ("Zheng Cun Zhu", was a student leader at the Tiananmen Square protests, wrote a open letter calling for reform.) 郭泉 ("Guo Quan", human rights activist who founded the China New Democracy Party. Sued Yahoo and Google for blocking his name in China, and also wrote an open letter to Hu Jintao.) 零八宪章 ("Charter 08", a manifesto signed by over 350 intellectuals, activists, and former party officials in 2008. It was modeled after the anti-soviet Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia in 1977. Liu Xiaobo was a major author and signatory, and the 08 charter was a major reason for his arrest.) 刘晓波 ("Liu Xiaobo", a human rights activist. He was arrested two days before the official Charter 08 release, probably because he was a major author. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, but could not be physically present to accept it because he is still in prison.) 丁子霖 ("Ding Zilin", the leader of the Tiananmen Mothers. Her son died in the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989. She is a Charter 08 signatory.) 于浩成 ("Yu Hao Cheng", a legal scholar and Charter 08 signatory.) 浦志強 ("Pu Zhiqiang", a lawyer who was part of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests. He represents people in many free speech cases in China. He is also a Charter 08 signatory.) 張祖樺 ("Zhang Zuhua", constitutional scholar and signatory of Charter 08. He was instrumental in drafting the document.) 茅于轼 ("Mao Yushi", economist and signatory of Charter 08. He is also a blogger.) 冉云飞 ("Ran Yunfei", a blogger and also a signatory of Charter 08.) 代写论文 ("Someone hired to write papers for someone else") 金融黑洞深无底 ("Bottomless financial black hole") 保监会为亏空公司买单 ("CIRC companies pay for the deficit", CIRC is the China Insurance Regulatory Commission.) DVD电影在线播放 ("Stream DVD movies online") 传奇外传私服 ("Legend Gaiden", appears to be related to some kind of online video game.) 阴-道 ("Secret-Road", appears to be a euphemism for the female genitals.) 插进了小姨子 ("Stick inserted into a sister-in-law offspring") 口交 ("Oral sex") 处女高清晰 ("Virgin HD") 嫩逼 ("Soft pressure", the second character has the same pinyin as 屄, which means "vagina".) 嫩穴狂舔 ("Soft cave mad licking") 限制级 ("Restricted") 性交 ("Sexual intercourse") 援交 ("Escort", women paid to go on a date, which may or may not entail prostitution.) 群p ("Group p", group sex) 多P ("More P", group sex) 吸精 ("Inhale semen") 轮奸 ("Gang rape") 卖屄 ("Show off vagina") beifang.net ("beifang.net", this website seems to be related to automotive training.) 北方汽修 ("Northern Auto Repair", this appears to have been one of a number of scams where students were offered jobs or training, but these offers turn out to be pyramid schemes that often involve violence and extortion.) 票航班折扣票签转 ("Flight ticket discount ticket endorsement") 共惨党 ("Miserable party") 会计考试答案 ("Accounting exam answers") 皇冠亚洲网 ("Crown Asian Network") 皇冠网 ("Crown Online") 五星宏辉 ("Five Star Honghui", apparently some kind of video game.???) 一党专政 ("One-party dictatorship") 一党专制 ("One-party autocracy") haixiachina ("haixiachina", appears to be a news website.) 江贼民 ("Jiang Zei Min", apparently another way to write Jiang Zemin's name, with the last two characters meaning "traitor" and "citizens".) 趙紫陽 ("Zhao Ziyang", a politician who was sympathetic to the Tiananmen Square protesters in 1989.) 武警镇压 ("Armed repression") 任雪冰 ("Ren Xuebing", a reporter who covered the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, and is now a dissident.) 维权网 ("Human Rights Defenders") 天安門虐殺 ("Tiananmen Square Massacre") 车内泄欲 ("Car interior reveal desire", appears to be some erotic reference.) 信访办外惨案 ("Tragedy outside Letters and Visits Office") 六月里应该有爱 ("Love in June", the title of a movie that is a love story taking place during the events of June, 1989.) 流亡者的牧歌 ("Exiled Shepherd's song", appears to be a song about the June 1989 events.???) 不能说的真话 ("Not telling the truth") 太学生闹事 ("Too much student unrest", note the similarity between 太 and 大, below.) 大学生闹事 ("College student unrest") 乌鲁木齐血债血偿 ("Urumqi, blood for blood", refers to events in Xinjiang province in July 2009 in which Han Chinese marched through Uighur neighborhoods demanding "blood for blood", meaning revenge for Uighur riots a few days prior in which 156 had died.) 向乌鲁木齐进军 ("March to Urumqi", Urumqi is the captial of Xinjiang.) 两女一杯 ("Two girls one cup", a shock video involving two adult women engaging in coprophilia, coprophagia, and emetophilia. 两 ("liang") is another way to say two (二), like "a couple" in English. This video was also a viral phenomenon in the U.S.) 两女一指 ("Two girls one finger", another shock video with two adult women, engaging in corprophilia and emetophilia.) 两女一碗 ("Two girls one bowl", it is not clear if this is another way of saying "two girls one cup" or if it is a separate video.) 两男一马 ("Two men one horse", another Internet shock video involving two adult men engaging in bestiality with a horse.) 二女一杯 ("Two girls one cup") 二女一指 ("Two girls one finger") 二女一碗 ("Two girls one bowl") 二男一马 ("Two men one horse") 俩女一杯 ("Two girls one cup", 俩 (lia) is another way to write two (二).) 俩女一指 ("Two girls one finger") 俩女一碗 ("Two girls one bowl") 俩男一马 ("Two men one horse") 两女一指头 ("Two girls one digit", another way to write "two girls one finger".) 两孩一沙盒 ("Two kids one sandbox", another shock video involving two adults (one man and one woman) engaging in a disturbing sex act.) 两女吃一杯 ("Two girls eating a cup of", another way to write "two girls one cup".) 土赫提遭拘押的呼吁 ("Tohti arrest appeal", Ilham Tohti is an ethnic Uighur. After the July 2009 riots in Urumqi, he was arrested in Beijing for critisising the Chinese government's policies towards Uighurs in Xinjiang.) 首批158名各界人士关于维吾尔 ("First comment 158 all walks of life about Uighurs", the petition to release Ilham Tohti has 158 signatures, so this is probably a reference to that.) 中国百人联署促释维族学者 ("Chinese Uighur hundred scholars and jointly promote release", also likely a reference to a petition.) 百人联署促释维族学者 ("One hundred people jointly urge to release Uyghur scholars", also likely a reference to a petition.) 战龙斗士 ("War Dragon Warrior", seems to be a reference to a video game.) 纳米比亚 ("Namibia", a country in Africa that was involved in the An Yue Jiang scandal. Africans protested at the Chinese embassy in Namibia's capital, Windhoek, because of China's support of Zimbabwe's Mugabe and selling of arms to him. It's more probable that this is appearing on the blacklist because of the Hu Haifeng scandal, though.) 胡海峰 ("Hu Haifeng", Hu Jiantao's son. He was involved in a bribery scandal in selling airport and port scanning equipment to Namibia.) 威视 ("Surveillance equipment", possibly a reference to the Hu Haifeng scandal.) 爱的十个条件 ("The Ten Conditions of Love", a documentary about an Uighur businesswoman and political activist named Rebiya Kadeer. The Chinese government considers this film to be separatist.) nngay ("nngay", nngay.com is a Chinese-language gay forum.) 聚源宾馆 ("Juyuan Hotel", Li Ruirui from the Anhiu province went to Beijing to petition and was raped by a guard in the Juyuan Hotel, allegedly.) 青年访民 ("Youth inquire citizens", also related to the Li Ruirui rape, probably means "youth petition".) 肏屄 ("Fuck cunt") 邮箱搜索机 ("Mailbox search machine", appears to be a spamming tool for QQ chat.) 留言群发机 ("Mass message machine", also appears to be a spamming tool for QQ chat.) lmwl.cc ("lmwl.cc") wuwenhua ("wuwenhua") 守望教会 ("Shouwong church", this is a church in Beijing that holds services outdoors, despite this being against the law, so there have been several incidences of arrests because of this.) 无界9.5 ("UltraSurf 9.5", UltraSurf is an anti-censorship and privacy tool. Release 9.5 was the release that came with a Green Dam removal functionality.) 自由门 ("Freegate", Freegate is an anti-censorship tool.) ycool ("ycool", ycool.com appears to be a blogging website.) 魁北克省资料 ("Quebec Information", may involve investment immigration to Canada.) 八九 ("Eighty-nine", a reference to the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.) 天安门祭 ("Tiananmen Square sacrifice") 河殇 ("River Elegy", this was a controversial documentary that appeared on CCTV in 1988. It is believed by some to have portrayed Chinese culture in a negative way, and after the June 1989 events the government asserted that this film provoked the student unrest.) 八九民运 ("June incident", probably referring to the June, 1989 events.) 河殇 ("River Elegy", see above.) 学生反革命暴乱 ("Student counter-revolutionary revolt", a reference to the Tiananmen Square protests that uses the government's preferred terminology.) 学生的流血事件 ("Student bloodshed incident") 中华民族悲凉的葬歌 ("Chinese desolate funeral song") whjs88 ("whjs88") oasms ("oasms") 肉洞 ("Meat hole", a reference to the vagina.) 狂插 ("Mad insertion", sexual intercourse.) JB ("JB", possibly another way to write "J8".) J8 ("J8", possibly a reference to the Hainan Island incident in which a U.S. Navy EP-3E ARIES II collided with a Chinese J8.) 操逼 ("Fuck pussy", 逼 actually means to force, but has the same pinyin as 屄 (pussy).) 操烂 ("Fuck rotten") 暴操 ("Violent fuck") 爆操 ("Burst fuck") 骚屄 ("Agitate vagina") 骚逼 ("Agitate vagina", note 逼 as a replacement for 屄.) 骚比 ("Agitate vagina", note 比 as a replacement for 屄, which does not have the same tone but sounds similar.) 操一下 ("Fuck a little bit") 淫水 ("Sexual secretion") CAO ("CAO", 操, or "fuck") 屄痒 ("Vagina itch") 逼样 ("Vagina itch", this is a pinyin variation on 屄痒) 逼痒 ("Vagina itch", this is a pinyin variation on 屄痒) 插爆 ("Insertion pop") 插死 ("Insertion death") 娘逼 ("Mother vagina", note 逼 in place of 屄) 妈逼 ("Mother vagina", note 逼 in place of 屄) 奶逼 ("Breasts vagina", note 逼 in place of 屄) 娘B ("Mother B", note B in place of 屄, the pinyin for 屄 is "bi" and is pronounced like the English word, "Bee".) 妈B ("Mom B", note B in place of 屄.) 奶B ("Breasts B", note B in place of 屄.) 屁眼 ("Asshole", or, more literally, "fart eye". The pinyin for the first character, 屁 is "pi" and is pronounced like the English word, "pea".) P眼 ("P Eye", the same as 屁眼, with "P" representing the pinyin for 屁) 插她 ("Insert her") 欠日 ("Due date"???) 奶子真大 ("Really big breasts") 日妈 ("Fuck mother", it is unclear why 日 (ri, or "sun") means "fuck" here.???) 日你妈 ("Fuck your mother") 二B ("Two B", B likely means 屄, or "vagina") 妈B ("Mom B", B likely means 屄, or "vagina") 2B ("2B") 靠你妈 ("Trust your mother") sunlips ("sunlips") 三利普 ("Three gain universal", part of a product name at sunlips.com, 三利普加强版二代橡皮, that appears to be a remote microphone for spying.) 阴部 ("Private parts") 阴毛 ("Pubic hair") 非法献花 ("Illegal flower offering", refers to an event where people placed flowers at Google headquarters in China when news broke that Google might leave China.) 谷歌退出中国 ("Google out of China") 向谷歌献花 ("Flowers to Google") 谷歌献花 ("Google flowers") 献花门 ("Offer flowers door") 影帝温 ("Oscar best actor winner", a nickname for Wen Jiabao after he appeared to cry insincerely on television.) 出售手枪 ("Sale of handguns") 作弊器 ("Plagiarize vessel", appears to refer to surveillance equipment, particularly audio bugs.???) 江泽民暴毙 ("Jiang Zemin violent death") 自由门 ("Freegate") 无界 ("Ultrasurf") 火凤凰 ("Phoenix") 逍遥游 ("Get away") 动网通 ("Web pass-through") 楼市三字经 ("Property market, Three Character Classic", Some kind of a YouTube video???) 空椅子 ("Empty chair", probably a reference to Liu Xiaobo's empty chair at the Nobel Prize ceremony, he could not attend since he was in prison.) 小姐上门 ("Webcam girl") 手机窃听软件 联系 ("Mobile phone tapping software") X卧底第四代 ("X Undercover fourth generation", ???) 手机窃听软件 QQ ("Phone tapping software QQ") x卧底软件下载 ("x undercover software download") 卖手机窃听软件 ("Sell mobile phone eavesdropping software") x卧底软件免费下载 ("x undercover software free download") 手机窃听软件下载 ("Phone tapping software download") 手机x卧底 ("X undercover phone") 手机窃听软件 详情咨询 ("Details of phone tapping software consulting") x卧底下载 ("x Undercover Download") 手机x卧底监听器软件 ("X undercover listener phone software") x卧底破解版 ("x undercover cracked version") 手机窃听软件破解版 ("Phone tapping software cracked version") 泰国Vervata ("Thailand Vervata", Vervata is a mobile phone software company.) 手机窃听软件免费下载 ("Phone tapping software free download") 潜伏者增强版 ("Lurker Plus") FlexiSpy PRO ("FlexiSpy PRO") 潜伏者专业版 ("Professional Lurker") FlexiSpy下载 ("FlexiSpy Download") 潜伏者录音版 ("Lurker recording of") Flexispy破解版 ("Flexispy cracked version") 最新版手机监听软件 ("The latest version of the phone monitoring software") spy.flexispy下载 ("spy.flexispy Download") 进口手机卧底软件 ("Mobile undercover software imports") spy.flexispy软件 ("spy.flexispy Software") 茉.莉 ("Mo.Li", jasmine flower, with a dot between the characters presumably for evading censorship.) 花展 ("Flower Show") 茉.莉.花 ("Mo.Li.Flower", jasmine flower) 螳臂挡车 ("Mantis arms obstruct vehicle", appears to be a reference to the Tank Man incident after the June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, in which a man stood in front of military tanks.) 我们要正义 ("We want justice") 牡丹革命 ("Peony Revolution", peony is another type of flower.) 木瓜拉克 ("Hosni Murabak", this is another way to write Mubarak's name, which is normally written 穆巴拉克. Instead of 巴 (ba), this version uses "gua", so that the first part of Mubarak's name sounds like the Chinese word for "Papaya".) 末利花 ("Jasmine flower", the 茉 (mo) and 莉 (li) are replaced with 末 and 利, which have the same pinyin.) 未来中国论坛 ("Future China Forum") 象征圆桌表示民主 ("Signify a round table to indicate democracy", this appears to be a passage from a particular forum post or blog entry or something???) 拿着麦克风表示自由 ("Hold a microphone to indicate liberty", this appears to be a passage from a particular forum post or blog entry or something???) 两个翅膀表示和平 ("Two wings to indicate peace", this appears to be a passage from a particular forum post or blog entry or something???) 肩和后背上表示公证 ("Shoulders and back high to indicate notarization", Interestingly, the phrases above have been split up with dashes in the online version of this document that contains these phrases, presumably to evade censorship, but this one has been paraphrased.???) 中国人民争自由反专制大游行启动政治 ("The Chinese people strive for liberty, reverse oppression, big demonstration to start political reform.", ???) 改革 魔力花 ("Magic flower", this is also spoken as "mo li hua" with different tones, so is a reference to the jasmine flower.) 茉 莉 花 ("Jasmine flower") 3月6日集会 ("March 6 meeting") 下周日 茉莉花 ("Next Sunday jasmine flower") 下周日 茉莉 ("Next Sunday jasmine") 我们对中共当局的最后通牒 ("We oppose the Chinese Communist party's ultimatum") 下周日 魔力花 ("Magic flower next Sunday") 茉莉花 第二季 ("Jasmine flower in the second season") 茉莉花 第二次 ("Jasmine flower second time") 茉莉 第二季 ("Jasmine in the second season") 茉莉花 同一地点 ("Jasmine flower in the same location") 每周 茉莉花 ("Jasmine flower every week") 每周 茉莉 ("Jasmine every week") 再次 茉莉花 ("Jasmine again") 周六下午四点 茉莉花 ("Jasmine at four o'clock p.m. on Saturday") 周六 茉莉花 ("Saturday jasmine flower") 王府井茉莉花 ("Wangfujing jasmine flower", Wangfujing is an area in Beijing. This was the site of Jasmine Revolution protests in February and March of 2011.) 人民广场茉莉花 ("People's Square jasmine", People's Square refers to Tiananmen Square, where the 1989 protests happened.) 大陆茉莉花革命 ("Mainland China jasmine revolution") 再次 molihua ("Again molihua". molihua is the pinyin for 茉莉花, or "Jasmine flower", without the tone marks.) 每周 molihua ("Weekly molihua") 第二季 molihua ("In the second season molihua") 第二次 milihua ("Second milihua") 下周日 molihua ("Next Sunday molihua") molihua 同一地点 ("molihua in the same location") molihua 周六下午四点 ("molihua four in the afternoon on Saturday") 本周两会 ("This week two meetings") 春熙路麦当劳 ("Chun Xi Road McDonald's") 结束一党专政 ("End one-party rule") 两会周日 ("Two meetings on Sunday") 周末花 ("Weekend flower") 周末茉莉 ("Jasmine weekend") 周日两会 ("Sunday two meetings") 真理部 ("Ministry of Truth") 秀水街百货 ("Silk Street department store") 杭州百货大楼 ("Hangzhou Department Store") 人民公园 ("People's Park") 南京北街 ("Nanjing North Street") 西民主大街 ("Democratic Avenue West") 解放大道 ("Liberation Boulevard") cn220 ("cn220", this is a Twitter account that has many posts about protests in China.) CHANCE TO TAKE ACTIONS ("CHANCE TO TAKE ACTIONS") 10+10TH FEB (10+10TH FEB") 新余市 ("Xinyu City") 推动互联网自由 ("To promote Internet freedom") 西临天泰广场 20日 ("Western Thai Square on the 20th") 遍地开花,不敢镇压 ("To flourish on a large scale, not dare to quell") 中共中央领导人集体下台 ("Chinese Communist Party leaders collectively step down") 清算特权废除特供 ("Abolition of special privileges for liquidation") 结束一党专制 ("End one-party rule") 实现新闻出版言论自由 ("To achieve freedom of the press") 建立工人自己的独立工会 ("Establish their own independent trade unions of workers") 一个光明的民主中国 ("A bright democratic China", this and the previous five keywords all appear in the same text online.???) 命革花莉茉 ("Jasmine political revolution", this is if you translate it backwards, i.e., 茉莉花革命.) 花莉茉 ("Jasmine flower", also backwards.) 江天勇 ("Jiang Tianyong", a human rights lawyer who disappeared for two months, but then was released. He has a Twitter account.) 江李滕 ("Jiang Li Teng", another lawyer who was arrested. These arrests are not official so in many cases the family does not know what has happened to the person. In this case the family knew because they were allegedly subjected to violence and threats at the time.) 维多利亚公园 ("Victoria Park", a public park in Hong Kong.) 哈尔滨电影院门口 ("Harbin cinema entrance") 茉滤花城市 ("Jasmine flower town", except that the second character is 滤 instead of 莉, which has a slightly different pronunciation. Jasmine革命 ("Jasmine Revolution") 对中共当局的最后通牒 ("Ultimatum to the Chinese authorities") 成都 春熙路麦当劳门前 ("McDonald's in front of Chunxi Road in Chengdu") 广州 天河体育中心正门 ("The main entrance of the Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center in Guangzhou") 郑州 二七路百货大楼前 ("27th Street Zhengzhou, the former department store in Zhengzhou") 济南 银座购物广场前 ("In front of the Ginza Shopping Plaza Jinan in Ji'nan") 杭州 湖滨路凯悦酒店前至音乐喷泉旁 (Hyatt Regency Hangzhou Hubin Road to the music before the fountain) 一带 (Region) 福州 五一广场越洋图书城门前 (Wuyi Square past the Western bookstore in front of the city gate in Fuzhou") 拉萨 八廓街大昭寺广场 ("Jokhang Temple in Barkhor Square in Lhasa") 哈尔滨 西大直街康宁路路口世纪联华 (Corning West Da Zhi Street, Harbin Century Lianhua Road junction) 门口 (Door) 乌鲁木齐 建设路人民电影院门口 ("Construction of People's cinema entrance in Urumqi") 约定的时间 ("The appointed time", part of the text of the "walking guide at this stage" (see below).) 体制高度紧张 ("System of high tension", also part of the text of the "walking guide". This is part of a couple of sentences telling protesters to not look too organized, because at this stage the goal is only a crowd gathering and causing high tension.???) 分散撤离 ("Distributed withdrawal", also part of the "walking guide", telling people to quickly evacuate.???) 不明真相 ("Fail to understand the truth", also part of the "walking guide". This is part of a sentence telling people to not act too organized, so that the officials will fail to see the truth of who is a protester and who is an innocent bystander.) 人群聚集 ("Crowd gather", this exact phrase does not appear in the "walking guide", perhaps it did before. 人群的聚集 (below) does appear in the "walking guide".) 人群的聚集 ("Crowd gather", appears in the walking guide, see 体制高度紧张 above.) 乱其阵脚 ("Confuse its footing", this is part of the "walking guide". It is the end of a sentence that says, paraphrasing, that this stage of the protests is not about causing a system collapse of the existing regime overnight, but is about "affecting the peripheral nerves of the body and confusing the footing.") 末梢神经 ("Peripheral nerves", see above, this appears in the "walking guide". Peripheral nerves means the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord.) 早期被扼杀 ("Killed early", see above, this appears in the "walking guide". It is part of a sentence urging protesters to be reasonable and not get killed at this stage of the protests, to keep in mind future stages.) 花行动 ("Mobilize") 花事件 ("Flower incident") 敏感花 ("Sensitive flower") 好一朵 ("Good bouquet (of flowers)") 人民广场茉莉花 ("People's Square jasmine flower") 王府井茉莉花 ("Wangfujing Jasmine", Wangfujing has been the site of several protests (see above).) 敏感花 ("Sensitive flower") 好一朵 ("Good bouquet (of flowers)") 花事件 ("Flower Events") 花行动 ("Mobilize") molihua 周六下午四点 ("molihua four in the afternoon on Saturday") 现阶段散步指南 ("Walking guide at this stage", this is a guide for protesters for the early stages of the Jasmine revolution. It tells people to be safe, not to gather in organized crowds, to make an origami jasmine flower, etc. There are many references to it in other keywords above and below.) 体制一夜垮塌 ("System collapse overnight") 茉莉花折纸 ("Jasmine origami", the walking guide instructs people to make origami jasmine flowers if they do not have real jasmine flowers.) jasmine折纸 ("jasmine origami") 聚集点 ("Aggregation point") 分散撤离 ("Distributed withdrawal") 体制高度紧张 ("System of high tension") 约定的时间 ("The appointed time") 早期被扼杀 ("Killed early", this and the five keywords above are part of the "walking guide" and are explained above that.) 末利化 ("Benefit of the end", the pinyin is "molihua", so this is a reference to the jasmine flower.) 花要开 ("Flowers will open") 第二季 ("In the second season") 同一地点 ("The same location") 末梢神经 ("Peripheral nerves") 乱其阵脚 ("Confuse the footing") 人群聚集 ("Crowd") 不明真相 ("Fail to understand the truth", this and the four keywords above appear in the "walking guide" and are explained above.) 体制 ("Organization") 二七路百货大楼 ("27th Street Department Store") 银座购物广场 ("Ginza Shopping Plaza") 湖滨路凯悦酒店 ("Hyatt Regency Lake Road") 音乐喷泉 ("Musical fountain") 越洋图书城 ("Transocean Super Bookstore") 天河体育中心 ("Tianhe Sports Center") 八廓街大昭寺 ("Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street") 西大直街康宁路路口世纪联华 ("Corning West and Da Zhi Street intersection, Century Lianhua gate") 建设路人民电影院 ("Construction of People's cinema entrance") 行动代号 ("Mobile codename" ???) 美国大使 ("U.S. Ambassador") 洪博培 ("Huntsman", Jon Huntsman, Jr., the U.S. Ambassador to China. According to his account, he accidentally stumbled upon a Jasmine revolution protest while walking in Beijing with his family, but quickly left when he realized what was happening.) 带路党 ("Lead the Way Party", ???) 茉莉花第二次 ("Jasmine flower second time") 茉莉花第二季 ("Jasmine flower in the second season")