CS 451 Programming Paradigms
Paper Topics

For those of you who might still be looking for paper topics, here is a
list we have collected over the semesters.  It is the beginning of an indefinitely 
long list of ideas.  If you aren't interested in any there you might get inspired 
by checking out a few of them, say on the web.

Analysis and comparisons of new products
Parallel computation
Natural language processing
Expert systems
Gaming and game theory
Computers in education
Seymour Cray
Alonzo Church
Emil Post
Typed lambda calculus
Occam (the language)
Godel (the language)
Eiffel (the language)
Compiler technology
Computational linguistics
Global economic impact of computers
Mobile computation
John McCarthy
Marvin Minsky
Noam Chomsky
Alan Turing
Grace Murray Hopper
Ada Lovelace
Charles Babbage
(bios of other noted computer people)
The Atanasoff-Berry story
Steve Jobs/Steve Wosniak
Bill Gates
Distributed systems
Comparisons of languages/features
Language history
Kurt Godel
David Hilbert
Machine architectures (comparison or history)

...and the list goes on...

Make sure you've talked to us before the break so you can have a sound
direction to go in for your paper.

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