Creating a shortcut for tkisem

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upto the tkisem Home Page

  1. Find the icon for wish41 (open "my computer", then open the C drive, then open the Program Files directory, then open Tcl, then open bin)
  2. click the right mouse button on the wish icon and select "Create Shortcut"
  3. click the right mouse button on the new shortcut icon and select Propetries
  4. In the properties window, select the "shortcut" page
  5. The target should say "C:\Program files\TCL\bin\wish41.exe". Add a space followed by "C:\Program files\tkisem\TKISEM". You may also want to edit the "Start in" filed to be the name of the directory you plan to use for your class work.
  6. Now, grab the shortcut icon and place it on the desktop

Barney Maccabe Last modified: Thu Mar 19 15:53:36 MST 1998