Rational 3: The Header File

The header file includes prototypes for the public member function, definitions for the private data members, and prototypes for the (external) convenience functions.

// Defining the class rational 
//   -- third attempt -- separate compilation
// by A.B. Maccabe  2/27/97

#ifndef RATIONAL_H
#define RATIONAL_H

#include <iostream.h>

class Rational {
    // Constructors
    Rational( int n = 0, int d = 1 );

    // I/O
    void read( istream &in );
    void write( ostream &out );

    // arithmetic
    Rational neg( );
    Rational add( Rational rat );
    Rational sub( Rational rat );
    Rational mpy( Rational rat );
    Rational div( Rational rat );
    int num, denom;

// define overloaded operators
Rational operator +( Rational r1, Rational r2 );
ostream & operator <<( ostream &os, Rational r );
istream & operator >>( istream &is, Rational &r );

#endif // RATIONAL_H

Barney Maccabe
Last modified: Wed Apr 2 17:45:19 MST