CS 454 Term Project
Fall 1997

In essence, the term project is to write a for a subset of the C programming language. We'll define the subset in a series of phases that will have due dates throughout the semester

Each project is to be completed on an individual basis. You may seek and offer assistance in debugging; however, each student is expected to design and implement their own project.


Phase Topic Due Date Points
1 Postfix Expressions 9/25/97 10
2 Expression Trees and Infix Notation 10/2/97 10
3 Generating SPARC Code 10/11/97 20
4 Adding a Symbol Table 10/16/97 5
5 Declarations and Integer Sizes 10/23/97 15
6 Control Expressions and Structures 11/18/97 20
7 Pointers and Arrays 12/2/97 20
8 Functions 12/11/97 20

Barney Maccabe
Last modified: Tue Oct 28 17:21:20 MST 1997