Last Modified: September 3, 2001

CS 460 Software Engineering - Fall 2001

Instructor Information

Instructor: Barney Maccabe
Office: EECE 236B
Phone: (505) 277-6504
FAX: (505) 277-6927
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-4:30 and by appointment

Changing Pages

I plan to keep this page fairly static. Topics that are expected to change have been moved to their own pages to make them easier to track.

General Policies

If you miss a class for any reason, you should check with other students in the class for any handouts. I will not keep copies of handouts (my office is already enough of a mess!)

Email content, whether directed to the class mailing list or me personally, should be plain text (no html, please). Attachments must be postscript (viewable in ghostview, gv) or pdf (viewable in acroread).

Printed copies of homework solutions, project reports and your term paper may be placed in my department mailbox (on the first floor of FEC), at my office (EECE 236B), or at the start of class on the due date.

Mailing List information

The class mailing list will be used for announcements related to the class. To subscribe to the class mailing list, visit the following Web page:

Web Resources

Links to relevant sites will be added to this part of the page from time to time throughout the semester.

The Web page for the textbook is here.


Ian Sommerville; Software Engineering 6th Edition; Addison-Wesley, 2001

Frederick Brooks; The Mythical Man Month; Addison-Wesley, 1995.

Student Photos


Activity Percentage Expected Number Basis
Exams 20% two exams:
a midterm exam on October 10th and
a final exam on December 13th
Quizes 5% 6 to 10 individual
Homework 10% 5 to 8 individual
Group Project 45% 4 to 5 stages group
Presentations 10% one for each group member group/individual
Journal 10% one individual

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to change the relative weighting should there be a substantial change in the expected number for any of the activities.


The two exams will be administered in-class and closed-book. They will focus on the reading material (text book and papers assigned for review) covered to the date of the exam.

The midterm exam will function as a buffer. If your grade on the final exam is better than you grade on the midterm, the midterm grade will be discarded. Otherwise, your midterm grade will constitute 40% of your exam score. If you miss the midterm exam for any reason, your final exam grade will be used for your exam score.

All students are required to take the final exam.


Quizes will be adminstered in-class, closed-book and at the start of class. They will not be announced prior to the quiz, and may cover any ofthe reading material assigned to the date of the quiz.


Homework assignments will be made from exercises in the text. While you are welcome to discuss the exercises with each other, you must write you own solution to the exercises.

Homework assignments will be announced on class mailing list and on this Web page. Each homework assignment will have a due date at the time the assignment is announced. Late solutions will not be accepted.

You may also submit your homework solutions through email.


Each student is required to give at least one in-class presentation during the semester. The presentations can be developed by the group, but the presenter will receive an indidual grade for the presentation.

Group Project

See the project page.

Personal Journal

At the completion of the project, each student will turn in a personal journal which describes their personal experience in the group. This journal should be presented in the form of a project diary. In addition to periodically summarizing the activities of the group, you should also include your impressions related to the group interactions (you will probably want to edit this part before you turn it in).