Michael Groat, PhD

About Me

I completed my PhD from the University of New Mexico in December of 2012. My dissertation introduced algorithms to protect the privacy of data while conserving energy in resource-constrained computing devices such as smart phones and wireless sensor networks. My advisors were Stephanie Forrest and Wenbo He, and my current research interests include finding ways to reduce energy usage in software at an algorithmic level using biologically inspired methods of computation. One goal of this research is to devise an accepted Big O like notation system to describe the performance of power and energy in algorithms.

I am an amatuer geneologist and recreational mountain climber. This link leads to my online family tree that contains approximately 13,000 individuals, and I have posted a page of panamoric photographs from the summits of various mountains.

Contact Information

Email: mmgroat-at-gmail.com

Research Areas

Energy Efficency in Software

  • Privacy Algorithms
  • Security Algorithms
  • Database Systems and Algorithms
  • Data Mining Algorithms
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
    • Concealed Data Aggregation
    • Alternatives to Encryption and Key Distribution
  • Network Protocols
  • Algorithmic Power Usage and Energy Consumption Prediction - "Big O like notation for energy and power in software"