The Theory of Computation

Bernard M.E. Moret

Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1998

Detailed Solutions

Chapter 4, Problem 6

We need to show that a (deterministic) Turing machine that has three choices for its head movement (stay, move left, or move right) can be simulated by a (deterministic) Turing machine that has only two choices. The simulation is really very simple: we use extra control states and move the head left, then back to the right to simulate the absence of move. Thus, if the augmented Turning machine has a transition of the type
where the dash denotes that the head stays put, our simulation uses the two transitions
delta([qi,a],c)=(qj,c,R) for all c in Sigma
while transitions that do move the head are the same in both machines. The notation [qi,a] denotes a new state for each pair qi and a such that the augmented Turing machine makes a transition with stationary head when in state qi reading input a. Our simulation runs in at most twice the number of steps of the original Turing machine, with exactly the same tape contents are all steps; if the Turing machine we are simulating uses an alphabet of k characters and has q control states, then our simulating machine has up to (k+1)q control states.