The Theory of Computation

Bernard M.E. Moret

Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1998

Detailed Solutions

Chapter 7, Problem 7.27, Part 3

Prove that Maximum-Leaves Spanning Tree is NP-complete.

Instance: a graph, G=(V,E), and a bound on the number of leaves of the spanning tree, B.
Question: does G have a spanning tree with at least B leaves?

Input Encoding and Size: An instance of this problem can be described by the two sets, V and E, which costs ceiling(log2|V|) for V (no need to name the elements here) and 2|E| ceiling(log2|V|) for E (naming each pair); or it can be described by adjacency lists, one for each vertex, which will cost (|E|+|V|) ceiling(log2(|V|+1)) (each list needs a terminator, hence the +1; the total number of list elements is |E| plus the terminators, |V| of them). In either case, the input size is Theta(|E| log|V|). This representation is best suited to sparse graphs; for dense graphs, we might want an adjacency matrix representation, which would be more concise, taking only Theta(|V|2) space. Since the graph might as well be assumed to be connected (otherwise it cannot have any spanning tree whatsoever), the number of edges is bounded above and below by a polynomial function in the number of vertices, |V|-1<= |E| <= |V|(|V|-1)/2. Thus the input size is bounded above and below by a polynomial function of |V|.

Certificate Description and Verification: The problem is in NP: a certificate is just a list of edges that make up the desired spanning tree. Given such a list, call it E', we can verify that the graph (V,E') is a tree and has at least B leaves in time proportional to |E'|+|V|, which is safely polynomial in the input size.

Mapping: We prove the problem NP-complete by reducing the known NP-complete problem X3C to it. An instance of X3C has a set S of 3q elements and a collection C of p subsets of S, each of which has exactly 3 elements; it can be encoded as p triples, each requiring 3 ceiling(log2 3q) bits, plus the size of S, taking ceiling(log2 3q) bits, for an input size of Theta(p log q). Given such an instance of X3C, we construct the graph G=(V,E) for our problem as follows. We let V be the union of S, C, and {r}; that is, the graph has one vertex for each element of S, one vertex for each 3-subset, and one additional vertex, r. We let E be the union of E1 and E2, where E2 = {(c,xc1),(c,xc2),(c,xc3) | c={xc1,xc2,xc3} in C} and E1 = {(r,c) | c in C}. That is, there is an edge from the "root" r to each "3-set vertex" c and an edge from each 3-set vertex to each of its 3 "element vertices." Finally, we set the bound to 2q+p.

Resource Requirements: Note that the construction can be accomplished in polynomial time, as it can be done in time linear in the size of the generated instance, which is Theta((3q+p)log(3q+p)). (Since q <= p <= {3q choose 3}, this is simply some polynomial in p, as is the size of the X3C instance.)

Correctness: We claim that the "root" of the constructed graph must be the "root" of the spanning tree. If it were not, all 3-set vertices would have to be reached through other 3-set vertices and their elements; but then we cannot have enough leaves in all. (The "best" case, although one in which there is no solution in either instance, has one element belonging to every 3-set; reaching the other 3q-1 elements requires ceiling((3q-1)/2) 3-set elements; the resulting maximal number of leaves is (3q-1)+(k-ceiling((3q-1)/2))+1, which simplifies to k+3q-ceiling((3q-1)/2), which is smaller than k+2q for all q>1. For q=1, the values are equal, but that number is only reachable with a no-instance, since all 3-sets overlap.) (This whole reasoning could easily be avoided by endowing the "root" with a "tail," as in many similar constructions.) This being established, only one other observation need be made: any second edge from an element to a 3-set is advantageously replaced by an edge from the "root" to the 3-set: such a change does not impair the spanning property, maintains a tree structure, and cannot decrease the number of leaves. The proof now follows easily.

If the X3C instance has a solution, i.e., q 3-sets that cover S, then there is a corresponding spanning tree "rooted" at r, with all p edges to the p vertices corresponding to 3-sets, and with 3 edges from each of the q vertices corresponding to the solution 3-sets to the vertices corresponding to their elements. This tree has 3q+(p-q) leaves (corresponding to the set elements and to the unused 3-sets), which is exactly our bound. Conversely, if the constructed instance has a solution, our observation above allows us to assume that all p edges from vertex r to the vertices corresponding to 3-sets are present. The spanning tree then must have the structure described in the first part of the proof: any second edge touching a vertex corresponding to an element would cause a cycle and p-q vertices corresponding to 3-sets must be leaves in order to meet the bound on the number of leaves, as the vertices corresponding to elements contribute at most 3q leaves.