Project 3: Android Applications

Due date 1: Friday December 7th 11:00 AM (Last Class Time)

Due date 2: Wednesday December 12th 10:00 AM (Final Exam Time) (You must attend!)

Due date 3: Friday December 14th Noon. (Nothing after this date/time will be accepted)

For your final project you will create an Android Application.

That is broadly, the only guideline.

More specifically I am expecting an app that performs a small set of core functionality to a specification, without crashing. While the selection of the type of app you make is up to you, below I have provided one possible specification for a simple to do list app.

To Do List App / Grading

Pre-Deadline Due Date (20 pts)

On Friday December 7th you really, really, really should turn in the following:


What should you turn in?

A zip file containing: Please zip this up and email it to both the TAs account and also my account


None yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

None yet.

Projects as I currently expect them

To do lists:
Chris C., Cesar, Saied, Jayson, Charles, Sid, Brendon, Andy, David L., Oleg, Ben, Laura, Alfred, William, Michael M., Jake, Kenneth, Brian, Jade, Kate.

Other projects:
Catwang -- Nathan & Connor
Alarm Clock -- Tonya
?? -- Eric & Jordan
Pong -- Brennan & Chris O.
Calculator -- Masud
Chess Clock -- John
3D Tic Tac Toe -- Evan
Conway's game of life -- Javier
Graphing Calculator -- Alex
Clan Finder -- Courtney
Game API -- Joshua
Fish matcher -- Jason
Toddler game -- David S.
Timer -- Erin
Sliding puzzle -- Michael T.
Crappy game -- Richard