Roshan R Rammohan

PhD Student
349 B, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,

Department of Computer Science
Mail stop: MSC01 1130
1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

ph : (lab) +1 (505) 277 7833
fax : +1 (505) 277-6927
email: roshan at cs dot unm dot edu

About me:

Welcome to my home page.

I primarily work under Dr.George Luger in the area of probabilistic logic models, context management and causal inference. I am also interested and conduct research in optimization theory, evolutionary computation and machine learning.

Some of the application areas of my research include:

Knowledge Engineering, Fault detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis.
Decision support, Multivariate non-linear systems, Heterogeneous Data fusion.



    Chakrabarti, C., Pless, D. J., Rammohan, R., and Luger, G. F. "Diagnosis Using a First-Order Stochastic Language That Learns." In Expert Systems with Applications. Elsevier Press. 32 (3). June 2007.

    Pless, D. J., Chakrabarti, C., Rammohan, R., and Luger, G. F. "The Design and Testing of a First-Order Stochastic Modeling Language." In International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 15, No. 6 (2006) 979-1005. World Scientific Publishing Company.

    Chakrabarti, C., Rammohan, R., and Luger, G. F. "A First-Order Stochastic Prognostic System for the Diagnosis of Helicopter Rotor Systems for the US Navy". In Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Pune, India. December 2005. Elsevier Publications.

    Chakrabarti, C., Rammohan, R., and Luger., G. F. "A First-Order Stochastic Modeling Language for Diagnosis" In the 18th International FLAIRS Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL 2005. AAAI Press.

    Rammohan, R. and Reda Taha, M.M. "Exploratory Investigations for Intelligent Damage Prognosis using Hidden Markov Models", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 2005, pp. 1524-1529.