CS 357 (SPRING '14) OFFICIAL HOMEWORK SUBMISSION POLICY ======================================================== We will be using the turnin program on the CS lab machines. To use turnin you will need a CS lab account. To-do: If you do not already have a UNM CS account, see George in FEC 307. George can create an account for you. Policy: No late submissions will be accepted unless there are exceptional circumstances. For all assignments you must use turnin, and no email submissions will be accepted. Before you submit your assignment, make sure it compiles and runs on the CS lab machines! Homework format: For every homework assignment you will create a directory for that assignment; e.g., for homework 1, you will create a directory, homework1. Place your solutions to the assignment in this directory. Directions for the UNM turnin facility: While in the directory that contains the subdirectory homework, execute: (a) chmod -R o+rx homework [This makes your homework readable by me] (b) turnin cs357.s2014.homework homework [This command will turn in your homework] [You should receive output stating which files were turned in, and the time and date of submission] [The time stamp needs to be less than the due date for the homework assignment] You can check to see what files you have turned in by executing the command: turnin -ls cs357.s2013. To remove your entire submission: turnin -rm cs357.s2013. Also: If a file is turned in multiple times, only the latest is saved (older versions are overwritten).