When working on a Windows machine in the UNM labs, you will want to connect to a linux machine so you can use a compiler (javac for Java, gcc for C, etc.). It is possible to just work in a terminal, but you'll have a much more pleasant time if you set up an X server so you can get the full GUI experience. In fact, this will become necessary if you are trying to remotely develop a GUI application.

  1. Find XMing under the Start Menu and start it. Close any dialogs that ask you for firewall permissions.
  2. Find Secure Telnet under the Start Menu
  3. Run Secure Telnet and cancel the login dialog
  4. Choose Settings under the Edit menu
  5. Click on Tunneling and check the Tunnel X11 Connections checkbox
  6. Press OK
  7. Press Quick Connect. Answer yes to the error box.
  8. Enter host and username
  9. Enter your password and login

If that all worked, you now can open up a text editor such as emacs in all its graphical glory.

Thanks to David Shubsda for pointing me to the instructions at http://fricke.co.uk/Teaching/CS251/