Haptic-guided motion planning for a complex problem Haptic touch devices can provide feedback on problems that would otherwise be difficult to visualize. In this research, we present a method of haptic-guided motion planning for a complex problem: solving the binding between a protein receptor and ligand. Molecular binding is a critical problem in biology because binding drives many biological processes, including immune recognition, enzyme catalysis, and even molecular signaling. Our method provides a simple interface for users to solve this complex problem. We demonstrate the method on a critical system, the binding of ligands to a MHC molecules. MHC molecules are known for their binding capabilities and their ability to aid in disease recognition. The haptic ligand docking tool incorporates a commodity gaming haptic feedback device with additional visual feedback. Users use the haptic device to feel the energetic interactions of the two molecules as they move the ligand into an appropriate binding spot on the receptor. In addition to finding the binding site location, a path of motion through the potential field is recorded.