CS 454/554 - Compiler Construction - Fall 2023

Class schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00-3:15

Instructor: Darko Stefanovic

Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1:00-2:00

Syllabus, schedule, requirements, etc.: (PDF)

Some synthetic answers to commonly asked questions

Should I take a compiler class?

Whether or not you should take a compiler class depends on your goals and interests. If you are interested in computer science, programming languages, or software development, then taking a compiler class can be a great way to gain a deeper understanding of how programming languages work and how they are translated into machine code. A compiler class typically covers topics such as lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, optimization, and runtime systems. These topics are fundamental to understanding how programming languages work and how compilers translate high-level code into low-level machine code. If you are planning on pursuing a career in software development or computer science, then taking a compiler class can be a valuable addition to your education. Even if you don't plan on directly working with compilers in your career, the knowledge and skills you gain from a compiler class can help you become a better programmer and software engineer. Ultimately, whether or not you should take a compiler class depends on your interests, goals, and educational background. If you are interested in the subject and have a strong foundation in programming, then a compiler class can be a great way to deepen your knowledge and skills.

What knowledge from a compiler class would make me a better programmer?

A compiler class covers several topics that can make you a better programmer, including:

  • Understanding how programming languages work: A compiler class can help you understand how programming languages are designed and how they are translated into machine code. This understanding can help you write more efficient and effective code by making you aware of how your code is executed by the computer.
  • Understanding how compilers work: A compiler class teaches you how compilers work and the steps involved in translating high-level code into machine code. This knowledge can help you write code that is optimized for performance and can make debugging easier.
  • Writing efficient code: A compiler class covers topics such as optimization and code generation. By understanding these topics, you can write code that is more efficient and runs faster.
  • Debugging code: By understanding how compilers work, you can better understand the behavior of your code and debug it more effectively.
  • Writing better code: A compiler class can teach you how to write code that is more maintainable and easier to read. This includes topics such as code organization, error handling, and abstraction.

    Overall, taking a compiler class can give you a deeper understanding of programming languages and how they are executed by a computer. This knowledge can help you write more efficient, effective, and maintainable code, making you a better programmer.

    What should I know before I take a compiler class?

    Before taking a compiler class, it is recommended to have a solid foundation in computer science and programming. Here are some topics that you should be familiar with:

  • Data structures and algorithms: A good understanding of data structures and algorithms is essential for compiler design. You should be familiar with topics such as stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting algorithms, and searching algorithms.
  • Programming languages: You should have a good understanding of at least one programming language, preferably a high-level language such as Java, Python, or C++. You should be familiar with programming concepts such as variables, functions, loops, arrays, and object-oriented programming.
  • Formal languages and automata theory: Compiler design is based on formal language theory, so you should have a good understanding of topics such as regular expressions, context-free grammars, finite automata, and pushdown automata.
  • Computer architecture: You should have a good understanding of computer architecture, including the CPU, memory, and I/O systems. You should be familiar with topics such as machine language, assembly language, and memory management.
  • Operating systems: A good understanding of operating systems is helpful for understanding how compilers interact with the operating system. You should be familiar with topics such as processes, threads, synchronization, and memory management.

    Having a good foundation in these topics can help you better understand the concepts covered in a compiler class and make your learning experience more fruitful. However, it's important to note that the level of prior knowledge required may vary depending on the specific compiler class and the professor teaching it. It's always a good idea to check the prerequisites for the course and talk to the professor to determine if you're adequately prepared.

    How much work is a compiler class?

    A compiler class is typically a challenging and time-consuming course, and the amount of work required can vary depending on the specific course, the professor teaching it, and your prior knowledge and experience. A typical compiler class may include lectures, homework assignments, programming projects, quizzes, and exams. Homework assignments can involve implementing various components of a compiler, such as lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization. These assignments can be time-consuming and require a solid understanding of the concepts covered in class. Programming projects can also be a significant part of a compiler class, and can require a substantial amount of time and effort. These projects may involve implementing a complete compiler for a small programming language, including writing code for all the components of the compiler. In addition to assignments and projects, you will likely have to study for quizzes and exams, which can be challenging and require a deep understanding of the material covered in class. Overall, a compiler class can be a significant amount of work, and requires dedication, time management skills, and a strong work ethic. However, the knowledge and skills you gain from the course can be invaluable for your future career as a software engineer or computer scientist.