激情成人论坛 (Passion Adult Forum) 性爱聚会 (Sex party) 操你吗 (Fuck you do) 妈逼 (Mother forced) 共铲党 (Total shovel party) 法轮 (Falun) 转法轮 (Zhuan Falun) 江责民 (Jiang responsibility for civil) 陶驷驹 (Tao Siju) 反共 (Anti-communist) 骚逼 (Sao force) 鸡巴 (Cock) 肉棍 (Rougun) 骚穴 (Saoxue) 小穴 (Pussy) 高勤荣 (High Qinrong) 国企大厦18层 (State-owned 18-storey building) 天灭中共 (Days off in CPC) 退党 (Resign) ezdn.cc (ezdn.cc) zinlang.cn (zinlang.cn) 3ee.cc (3ee.cc) tingtingroom.cn (tingtingroom.cn) 47cr.com (47cr.com) tglib.com (tglib.com) dogag.cn (dogag.cn) 网管办是猪 (Managed to do a pig) ct61.com (ct61.com) sinauc.c.la (sinauc.c.la) cctv56ly (cctv56ly) gmeak.com (gmeak.com) sina-8.com (sina-8.com) uc.sina17.com (uc.sina17.com) 韩国万岁 (Long live the Republic of Korea)