陆肆 (Lu Stanford) 六四 (Sixty-four) 学潮 (Student protests) 操你妈 (Fuck you) 法轮 (Falun) flg (flg) falungong (falungong) falundafa (falundafa) 九评 (Nine Commentaries) fuck (fuck) 真善忍 (Truthfulness) 退党网 (Resign from network) 大纪元 (The Epoch Times) 吾尔开希 (Wu'er Kaixi) 方励之 (Fang Lizhi) 明慧网 (Minghui) 少女洗澡 (Girl taking a bath) 民主促进委员会 (Committee for the Promotion of Democracy) 信访通讯录 (Petition Contacts) 反黑申诉联盟 (Anti-triad complaint Alliance) 未来中国论坛 (Future China Forum) 观音法门 (Quan Yin Method) 高勤荣 (Gao Qinrong) 李培英 (Pei-Ying Li) 杜崇烟 (Du Chong tobacco) 段义和 (Duan Yihe) 胡紧掏 (Hu tight dig) 全球人文纪元 (Global Humanities era) 龙虎门每周会 (Dragon Tiger Gate a week) 情色六月天 (Erotic days in June) 金人庆 (Jin Renqing) 吕耿松 (Lvgeng Song) 黄菊 (Huang Ju) 王维工 (Wang Wei workers) 余慧文 (Yu Huiwen) 江绵恒 (Mianheng) 刘延东 (Liu Yandong) 张德江 (Dejiang) 赵紫阳 (Zhao Ziyang) 段桂青 (Duan Gui Qing) 联名上书 (Signed a letter) 瘟家宝 (Plague Jiabao) 温宝宝 (Warm baby) 公子党 (Son of the party) 寡头政治 (Oligarchy) 血腥和谐 (Bloody harmony) 公误员 (Members of the public mistakenly) 和邪社会 (And evil society) 河蟹社会 (Crab social) 党内民主 (Inner-party democracy) 民主联盟党 (Democratic Unionist Party) 民众法治联盟 (People the rule of law Union) 马宾 (MA Bin) 韩西雅 (Korea Seattle) 李锐 (Li Rui) 威权统治 (Authoritarian rule.) 恽小华 (Yun Xiaohua) 汪兆钧 (Wang Zhaojun) 郑存柱 (Zheng Cunzhu) 聂树斌 (Nie Shubin) 公务员替考 (Civil servants take the test) 雅思替考 (IELTS teicoplanin) 英语代考 (English-generation test) CCNA代考语 (The CCNA behalf of the test language) 代考网 (On behalf of test Mesh) 替考网 (Take the test network) 枪手网 (Gunmen network) 助考网 (To help test network) 帮你代考 (Test to help you on behalf of) 帮你替考 (To help you take the test) 刷刷臭虫 (Brush bug) 共匪 (Bandits) 叶国强 (Mr Yip) 叶国柱 (Ye Guozhu) pengou (pengou) 李国谅 (Li countries and understanding) 中文维基百科 (Chinese Wikipedia) BBC中文网 (BBC News) 中国时报电子报 (China Times Newsletter) 中时部落格 (When blogs) 星岛日报 (Sing Tao Daily) 星岛日报美国版 (Sing Tao Daily U.S. Edition) 新加坡星洲日报 (Singapore, Sin Chew Daily) 星洲日报马来西亚版 (Sin Chew Daily Malaysia version) 亚洲周刊 (Asia Week) 苹果日报台湾版 (Apple Daily Taiwan) 雅虎香港 (Yahoo!) 雅虎台湾新闻 (Yahoo Taiwan News) 谷歌博客 (Google Blog) 维基百科 (Wikipedia) 美国在线中文版 (America Online Chinese Edition) 美国之音 (Voice of America) BBC新闻网 (BBC News) 台湾中央社 (Taiwan's Central News Agency) 香港賽马会 (The Hong Kong Jockey Club) 界日报 (Boundary Daily) 无线卫星电视台 (TVBS) 明报新闻网新闻特辑 (Ming Pao Daily News news features) 东森新闻网 (ETTV news) 东森电视 (Eastern Broadcasting) 亚洲时报 (Asia Times) 美国在线新闻网 (AOL News) 加拿大国际广播电台 (Radio Canada International) 开源软件项目专业网站 (Open source software project website) 加拿大广播公司 (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) 苹果日报香港版 (Apple Daily Hong Kong Edition) 中文维基百科加密版 (Chinese Wikipedia encrypted version) 自由时报 (The Liberty Times) 中央日报 (Central Daily News) 尼奥宠物 (Neopets) 德国之声中文网 (To Germany) 国际特赦 (Amnesty International) 无国界记者 (Reporters Without Borders) 记者无国界 (Reporters Without Borders) 人权观察 (Human Rights Watch) 自由亚洲电台 (Radio Free Asia) 西藏之歌 (Tibetan Song) 朱云来 (Mr Zhu) 张宏良 (Zhang Hongliang) 钟洁锦 (Jie Jin Chung) 汪兆钧 (Wang Zhaojun) 郑存柱 (Zheng Cunzhu) 郭泉 (Guo Quan) 零八宪章 (Charter 08) 刘晓波 (Liu Xiaobo) 丁子霖 (Ding Zilin) 于浩成 (Yu Haocheng) 浦志強 (Pu Zhiqiang) 張祖樺 (Zhang Zuhua) 茅于轼 (Mao Yushi) 冉云飞 (Ran Yunfei) 代写论文 (To write papers) 金融黑洞深无底 (Financial black hole deep bottomless) 保监会为亏空公司买单 (CIRC pay for the shortfall in the company) DVD电影在线播放 (DVD movies online play) 传奇外传私服 (Legendary rumor PW) 阴-道 (Yin - Road) 插进了小姨子 (Inserted into the sister-in-law) 口交 (Oral sex) 处女高清晰 (Virgin high clear) 嫩逼 (Tender to force) 嫩穴狂舔 (嫩穴 mad licking) 限制级 (Restricted) 性交 (Sexual intercourse) 援交 (Compensated dating) 群p (The group p) 多P (More than P) 吸精 (Absorption fine) 轮奸 (Gang rape) 卖屄 (Sell ​​cunt) beifang.net (beifang.net) 北方汽修 (Northern automotive) 票航班折扣票签转 (Ticket flight discount tickets endorsement) 共惨党 (A total of miserable party) 会计考试答案 (Accounting test answers) 皇冠亚洲网 (Crown Asia Network) 皇冠网 (Crown net) 五星宏辉 (Five Star Honghui) 一党专政 (One-party dictatorship) 一党专制 (One-party dictatorship) haixiachina (haixiachina) 江贼民 (江贼 China) 趙紫陽 (Zhao Ziyang) 武警镇压 (Armed police repression) 任雪冰 (Ren Xuebing) 维权网 (Human Rights Defenders) 天安門虐殺 (Tiananmen Square slaughter) 车内泄欲 (Car Xie Yu) 信访办外惨案 (Petition to do outside of tragedy) 六月里应该有爱 (June should love) 流亡者的牧歌 (Pastoral of the exiles) 不能说的真话 (Can not say the truth) 太学生闹事 (Too the student unrest) 大学生闹事 (Students make trouble) 乌鲁木齐血债血偿 (Urumqi blood for blood) 向乌鲁木齐进军 (March to Urumqi) 两女一杯 (Two women a cup) 两女一指 (Two women, one refers to) 两女一碗 (Two female bowl) 两男一马 (Two men and a horse) 二女一杯 (And two women, a cup of) 二女一指 (Two female and one refers to) 二女一碗 (And two women, a bowl of) 二男一马 (Two men and a horse) 俩女一杯 (Two women a cup of) 俩女一指 (Two women one refers to) 俩女一碗 (Two female bowl) 俩男一马 (Two men and a horse) 两女一指头 (Two female and one finger) 两孩一沙盒 (Two children and a sandbox) 两女吃一杯 (And two women eat a cup of) 土赫提遭拘押的呼吁 (Soil amnesty was in custody appeal) 中国百人联署促释维族学者 (100 people in China jointly promote the release of Uighur scholars) 百人联署促释维族学者 (One hundred Joint promote the release of Uighur scholars) 战龙斗士 (War dragon fighter) 纳米比亚 (Namibia) 胡海峰 (Hu Haifeng) 威视 (Nuctech) 爱的十个条件 (10 Conditions of Love) nngay (nngay) 聚源宾馆 (Juyuan Hotel) 青年访民 (Youth Petitioners) 肏屄 (F # # k cunt) 邮箱搜索机 (Mailbox search machine) 留言群发机 (Message sending machine) lmwl.cc (lmwl.cc) wuwenhua (wuwenhua) 守望教会 (Rye Church) 无界9.5 (Unbounded 9.5) 自由门 (Freegate) ycool (ycool) 魁北克省资料 (Quebec data) 八九 (Eighty-nine) 天安门祭 (Tiananmen Square Festival) 河殇 (River Elegy) 八九民运 (Pro-democracy movement in 1989) 河殇 (River Elegy) 学生反革命暴乱 (Students' counter-revolutionary rebellion) 学生的流血事件 (Students of bloodshed) 中华民族悲凉的葬歌 (Funeral song of the desolation of the Chinese nation) whjs88 (whjs88) oasms (oasms) 肉洞 (Roudong) 狂插 (Mad plug) JB (JB) J8 (J8) 操逼 (Operation to force the) 操烂 (Operation rotten) 暴操 (Storm parade) 爆操 (Burst operation) 骚屄 (Show cunt) 骚逼 (Harassment to force) 骚比 (Show than) 操一下 (Operation about) 淫水 (Sexual secretion) CAO (CAO) 屄痒 (Cunt itch) 逼样 (To force the kind of) 逼痒 (Forced itch) 插爆 (Inserted burst) 插死 (Chasi) 娘逼 (Mother forced) 妈逼 (Mom forced) 奶逼 (Milk forced) 娘B (Mother B) 妈B (Ma B) 奶B (Milk B) 屁眼 (Asshole) P眼 (P Eye) 插她 (Inserted her) 欠日 (Owe Day) 奶子真大 (Breast really) 日妈 (Japanese mother) 日你妈 (Rini Ma) 二B (II B) 妈B (Ma B) 靠你妈 (Rely on your mother) sunlips (sunlips) 三利普 (Three Lipp) 阴部 (Private parts) 阴毛 (Pubic hair) 非法献花 (Illegal flowers) 谷歌退出中国 (Google out of China) 向谷歌献花 (Google flowers) 谷歌献花 (Valley song flowers) 献花门 (Flowers doors) 影帝温 (Actor temperature) 出售手枪 (Sale of pistol) 作弊器 (Cheat) 江泽民暴毙 (Jiang Zemin, died suddenly) 自由门 (Freegate) 无界 (Unbounded) 火凤凰 (Fire Phoenix) 逍遥游 (Getaway) 动网通 (Dynamic network) 楼市三字经 (Property market, Three Character Classic) 空椅子 (Empty chair) 小姐上门 (Miss home) 手机窃听软件 联系 (Phone tapping software contact) X卧底第四代 (X undercover fourth-generation) 手机窃听软件 QQ (Phone tapping software QQ) x卧底软件下载 (x undercover software downloads) 卖手机窃听软件 (Sell ​​mobile phone eavesdropping software) x卧底软件免费下载 (x Undercover software free download) 手机窃听软件下载 (Phone tapping software download) 手机x卧底 (Phone x Undercover) 手机窃听软件 详情咨询 (Phone tapping software details of consultation) x卧底下载 (x undercover download) 手机x卧底监听器软件 (Mobile x undercover listener software) x卧底破解版 (x undercover crack version) 手机窃听软件破解版 (Phone tapping software cracked version) 泰国Vervata (Thailand Vervata) 手机窃听软件免费下载 (Phone tapping software for free download) 潜伏者增强版 (Lurker enhanced version of) FlexiSpy PRO (FlexiSpy the PRO) 潜伏者专业版 (Lurker Professional Edition) FlexiSpy下载 (FlexiSpy download) 潜伏者录音版 (Lurker recording Edition) Flexispy破解版 (Flexispy cracked version) 最新版手机监听软件 (The latest version of mobile monitoring software) spy.flexispy下载 (spy.flexispy download) 进口手机卧底软件 (Import phone undercover software) spy.flexispy软件 (spy.flexispy software) 茉.莉 (Mo. Li) 茉.莉.花 (Mo Li. Flowers) 螳臂挡车 (Tangbidangju) 我们要正义 (We want to justice) 牡丹革命 (Peony revolution) 木瓜拉克 (Papaya Mubarak) 末利花 (The late Lee spent) 未来中国论坛 (Future China Forum) 象征圆桌表示民主 (Symbol of the Round Table, said democracy) 拿着麦克风表示自由 (Holding the microphone said free) 两个翅膀表示和平 (Two wings, said the peace) 肩和后背上表示公证 (Shoulder and the back said notary) 启动政治改革 (The initiation of political reforms) 魔力花 (Magic flower) 茉 莉 花 (Mo Li-hua) 3月6日集会 (March 6 Day rally) 下周日 茉莉花 (Sun jasmine under) 下周日 茉莉 (Next Sun jasmine) 我们对中共当局的最后通牒 (Our ultimatum to the Chinese Communist authorities) 下周日 魔力花 (Next Sunday magic flower) 茉莉花 第二季 (Jasmine in the second quarter) 茉莉花 第二次 (The jasmine second time) 茉莉 第二季 (Jasmine in the second quarter) 茉莉花 同一地点 (Jasmine the same location) 每周 茉莉花 (Weekly Jasmine) 每周 茉莉 (Weekly jasmine) 再次 茉莉花 (Again Jasmine) 周六下午四点 茉莉花 (Saturday 4:30 jessamine) 周六 茉莉花 (Saturday Jasmine) 王府井茉莉花 (Wangfujing Jasmine) 人民广场茉莉花 (People's Square, Jasmine) 大陆茉莉花革命 (Continental Jasmine revolution) 再次 molihua (Again molihua) 每周 molihua (Weekly molihua) 第二季 molihua (The second quarter molihua) 第二次 milihua (The second sub-milihua) 下周日 molihua (Lower Sun molihua in) molihua 同一地点 (molihua the same location) molihua 周六下午四点 (four p.m. molihua Saturday,) 本周两会 (This week, two sessions) 春熙路麦当劳 (Chun Xi Road McDonald) 结束一党专政 (End one-party dictatorship) 两会周日 (Two sessions on Sunday) 周末花 (Weekends spent) 周末茉莉 (Weekend jasmine) 周日两会 (Sunday two sessions) 真理部 (Ministry of Truth) 秀水街百货 (Silk Street department store) 杭州百货大楼 (Hangzhou Department Store) 人民公园 (People's Park) 南京北街 (Nanjing North Street,) 西民主大街 (West democracy Street) 解放大道 (Jiefang Avenue) cn220 (cn220) CHANCE TO TAKE ACTIONS (CHANCE the TO TAKE ACTIONS) 10+10TH FEB (10 +10 the TH FEB) 新余市 (Xinyu City) 推动互联网自由 (To promote Internet Freedom) 西临天泰广场 20日 (West of Tiantai Square on the 20th) 遍地开花,不敢镇压 (Everywhere, did not dare repression) 中共中央领导人集体下台 (Collective resignation of the CPC Central Committee leaders) 清算特权废除特供 (Liquidation privileges abolished for special) 结束一党专制 (End one-party dictatorship) 实现新闻出版言论自由 (Realization of the news published in the freedom of speech) 建立工人自己的独立工会 (The establishment of independent trade unions of the workers own) 一个光明的民主中国 (A bright democratic China) 命革花莉茉 (Life leather flower Li Mo) 花莉茉 (Hua Li Mo) 江天勇 (Jiang Tianyong) 江李滕 (Jiang Li Teng) 维多利亚公园 (Victoria Park) 哈尔滨电影院门口 (The entrance of Harbin Cinema) 茉滤花城市 (Mo filter flower city) Jasmine革命 (Jasmine revolution) 对中共当局的最后通牒 (Communist authorities ultimatum) 成都 春熙路麦当劳门前 (Chunxi Road McDonald's in front of) 广州 天河体育中心正门 (The main entrance of the Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center) 郑州 二七路百货大楼前 (Zhengzhou 27 Road Department Store before) 济南 银座购物广场前 (Jinan Ginza shopping plaza before) 乐喷泉旁一带 (Music fountain next to the vicinity of) 拉萨 八廓街大昭寺广场 (Lhasa Barkhor Street Jokhang Temple Square) 世纪联华门口 (Century Lianhua door) 约定的时间 (The agreed time) 体制高度紧张 (System a high degree of tension) 分散撤离 (Scattered evacuation) 不明真相 (Know the truth) 人群聚集 (Crowd) 人群的聚集 (Aggregation of the crowd) 乱其阵脚 (Chaos of its position) 末梢神经 (Peripheral nerve) 早期被扼杀 (Early to be stifled) 花行动 (Flower action) 花事件 (Flower event) 敏感花 (Sensitive flowers) 好一朵 (Good one)