%%% This is one of the example programs from the textbook:
%%% Artificial Intelligence: 
%%% Structures and strategies for complex problem solving
%%% by George F. Luger and William A. Stubblefield
%%% Corrections by Christopher E. Davis (
%%% These programs are copyrighted by Benjamin/Cummings Publishers.
%%% We offer them for use, free of charge, for educational purposes only.
%%% Disclaimer: These programs are provided with no warranty whatsoever as to
%%% their correctness, reliability, or any other property.  We have written 
%%% them for specific educational purposes, and have made no effort
%%% to produce commercial quality computer programs.  Please do not expect 
%%% more of them then we have intended.
%%% This code has been tested with SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, Version 5.2.13)
%%% and appears to function as intended.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% stack operations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % These predicates give a simple, list based implementation of stacks

    % empty stack generates/tests an empty stack



    % member_stack tests if an element is a member of a stack

member_stack(E, S) :- member(E, S).

    % stack performs the push, pop and peek operations
    % to push an element onto the stack
        % ?- stack(a, [b,c,d], S).
    %    S = [a,b,c,d]
    % To pop an element from the stack
    % ?- stack(Top, Rest, [a,b,c]).
    %    Top = a, Rest = [b,c]
    % To peek at the top element on the stack
    % ?- stack(Top, _, [a,b,c]).
    %    Top = a 

stack(E, S, [E|S]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% queue operations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % These predicates give a simple, list based implementation of 
    % FIFO queues

    % empty queue generates/tests an empty queue


    % member_queue tests if an element is a member of a queue

member_queue(E, S) :- member(E, S).

    % add_to_queue adds a new element to the back of the queue

add_to_queue(E, [], [E]).
add_to_queue(E, [H|T], [H|Tnew]) :- add_to_queue(E, T, Tnew).

    % remove_from_queue removes the next element from the queue
    % Note that it can also be used to examine that element 
    % without removing it
remove_from_queue(E, [E|T], T).

append_queue(First, Second, Concatenation) :- 
    append(First, Second, Concatenation).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set operations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % These predicates give a simple, 
    % list based implementation of sets
    % empty_set tests/generates an empty set.


member_set(E, S) :- member(E, S).

    % add_to_set adds a new member to a set, allowing each element
    % to appear only once

add_to_set(X, S, S) :- member(X, S), !.
add_to_set(X, S, [X|S]).

remove_from_set(_, [], []).
remove_from_set(E, [E|T], T) :- !.
remove_from_set(E, [H|T], [H|T_new]) :-
    remove_from_set(E, T, T_new), !.
union([], S, S).
union([H|T], S, S_new) :- 
    union(T, S, S2),
    add_to_set(H, S2, S_new).   
intersection([], _, []).
intersection([H|T], S, [H|S_new]) :-
    member_set(H, S),
    intersection(T, S, S_new),!.
intersection([_|T], S, S_new) :-
    intersection(T, S, S_new),!.
set_diff([], _, []).
set_diff([H|T], S, T_new) :- 
    member_set(H, S), 
    set_diff(T, S, T_new),!.
set_diff([H|T], S, [H|T_new]) :- 
    set_diff(T, S, T_new), !.

subset([], _).
subset([H|T], S) :- 
    member_set(H, S), 
    subset(T, S).

equal_set(S1, S2) :- 
    subset(S1, S2), subset(S2, S1).
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% priority queue operations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    % These predicates provide a simple list based implementation
    % of a priority queue.
    % They assume a definition of precedes for the objects being handled

member_sort_queue(E, S) :- member(E, S).

insert_sort_queue(State, [], [State]).  
insert_sort_queue(State, [H | T], [State, H | T]) :- 
    precedes(State, H).
insert_sort_queue(State, [H|T], [H | T_new]) :- 
    insert_sort_queue(State, T, T_new). 
remove_sort_queue(First, [First|Rest], Rest).

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