ebg(Goal, Gen_goal, (Gen_goal :- Premise)) :- 
	prolog_ebg(Goal, Gen_goal, _, Gen_proof),
	extract_support(Gen_proof, Premise).

prolog_ebg(A, GenA, A, GenA) :- myclause(A, true).

prolog_ebg((A, B), (GenA,GenB), (AProof, BProof), (GenAProof,GenBProof)) :-
   !,prolog_ebg(A, GenA, AProof, GenAProof),
   prolog_ebg(B, GenB, BProof,GenBProof).

prolog_ebg(A, GenA, (A :- Proof), (GenA :- GenProof)) :-
   myclause(GenA, GenB), 
   duplicate((GenA:-GenB), (A:-B)),
   prolog_ebg(B, GenB, Proof, GenProof).

myclause(A, B) :- clause(A, [true]), B = true.
myclause(A, B) :- var(B),clause(A, List_B), list2goals(List_B, B).

% The purpose of copy2 is to get a new copy of an expression 
% with all new variables.

duplicate(Old, New) :- assert('$marker'(Old)), 

% Extract support walks down a proof tree and returns the sequence of the
% highest level operational nodes, as defined by the predicate "operational"

extract_support(Proof, Proof) :- operational(Proof).
extract_support((A :- _), A) :- operational(A).
extract_support((AProof, BProof), (A,B)) :-
   extract_support(AProof, A),
   extract_support(BProof, B).
extract_support((_ :- Proof), B) :- extract_support(Proof, B).

% A neat exercise would be to build a predicate, make_rule, that calls prolog_ebg to
% generate the generalized tree and extract_support to get the operational nodes and
% constructs a rule of the form:
%     top_level_goal :- sequence of operational nodes


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