Unix binaries for tkisem

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A binary distribution consists of two parts: a machine specific dynamic library and a set of generic script and text files.

The generic file is available via anonymous ftp (tkisem-4.3.tar.gz ~36Kbytes).

Currently, we have dynamic load libraries for the following machines:

Eventually, the assembler and linker should be wrapped into the platform specific files.

If you run tkisem on anything other than a Sun workstation, you'll also want to get a cross assembler and cross linker for SPARC source and object programs. Here's what you need to do:

  1. ftp to prep.ai.mit.edu log in as anonymous
  2. cd to pub/gnu
  3. get the latest version of binutils
  4. uncompress and untar the binutils source code
  5. cd to the binutils directory
  6. configure binutils to generate SPARC code (THIS IS THE ALL IMPORTANT STEP)
    % configure --target=sun4
  7. make the entire tree -- this takes quite a while
  8. cd to the ld directory. The file ld.new can be installed as isem-ld
  9. cd to the as directory. The file as.new can be installed as isem-as
  10. if you want a manual for ld or as, type make ld.dvi or as.dvi in the ld or as directory.

Barney Maccabe Last modified: Mon Feb 14 15:33:05 MST 2000