% This input file is for Otter 3.0.4. % % Lemma 0. If a Robbins algebra satisfies % % exists C, C+C=C, % % then it satisfies Huntington's axiom, that is, it is Boolean. % % This takes about 20 seconds on a SPARC 5. % % The purpose of this job is to construct a proof object that can % be checked by the proof checker. op(500, xfy, +). assign(max_mem, 48000). assign(max_seconds, 14400). clear(print_kept). clear(print_new_demod). clear(print_back_demod). % clear(print_given). assign(pick_given_ratio, 4). assign(max_weight, 21). set(knuth_bendix). set(build_proof_object). list(usable). x = x. end_of_list. list(sos). x + y = y + x. (x + y) + z = x + (y + z). n(n(x + y) + n(x + n(y))) = x. % Robbins axiom C + C = C. % hypothesis n(n(A) + B) + n(n(A) + n(B)) != A. % denial of Huntington end_of_list. list(passive). end_of_list.