Office: FEC 157, phone: 277-5446 (The best way to reach me is via email generally. Please make an appointment first if you'd like to come by outside of office hours)
Office Hours: Monday 11-12 and Tuesday 10-11AM or by appointment.
Note: If I'm in my office and the door is open, feel free to come in. If the door is closed, I'm probably hard at work on a paper or grant proposal or research problem. Please come by another time or make an appointment via email.
Teaching Assistant
Yamel Torres Rodriguez; Email: ytorres at Office: FEC 126
Office Hours: Weds 3:00-5:00pm, Thursday 11-12:00
Martha Perrez Arriaga; Email: marperez at Office: FEC126
Office Hours: Monday 11:00-12:30 and Tuesday 12:30-2:00pm
Class Info
The class meets Monday, Weds and Friday, 10:00-10:50 in Anderson School of Management Room 1065.
Class E-mail
This following google group has been set up for announcements, hints, and student-to-student communication about our class: here.