CS 241: Connecting to the CS servers on a Mac

There are many ways to connect to the server on a mac -- these are my preferred ways.

  1. Download X windows for Mac. You will need to open up the program before moving forward.
  2. Open up the terminal app. You can find this from clicking on your desktop (it will say "Finder" in your upper lefthand corner). Then click on the "Go" menu. From there, click on "Utilities" and then "terminal".
  3. From a terminal window, you can then SSH to the server using the command ssh -Y csusername@servername.cs.unm.edu. Here, csusername is your CS username and servername is one of trucks or moons.
  4. You're in!

If you want to work on a file on your home computer and upload it to the server, you will need to sftp.

  1. Open up a terminal window (as above).
  2. cd into the folder where your file is located on your home computer.
  3. Use the command sftp csusername@servername.cs.unm.edu. Here, csusername is your CS username and servername is one of trucks or moons.
  4. The command put filename will put the file on your home computer named filename onto the CS server in your home folder.
  5. The command get filename will get the file from the CS server and download it to your home computer.