Computational Biomodeling
and Simulation Laboratory

Recent News

July 2022

Alex Kaltenbach has joined our research group to work on preparing fun outreach activities depicting protein interactions. Welcome to the group, Alex!

July 2022

Our lab space is finally completed on the 3rd floor of the Farris building!

June 2022

Prof. Jacobson is a co-Chair of the Computational Structural Bioinformatics Workshop, happening in Las Vegas, NV this coming December. For more information, visit:

January 2022

Jingbo Liang has joined our research group. She's a new graduate student who will work on detecting molecular binding regions with deep learning. Welcome to the group, Jingbo!


Biomolecular interactions drive information processing within a cell. Typically, cells handle information processing via mechanisms such as signaling, phase separation, and transport phenomena.

At the Computational Biomodeling and Simulation Lab we aim to understand the processes behind biomolecular interactions in natural and synthetic cells.

There are many factors involved in these interactions, including external parameters such as temperature and pH, in addition to intrinsic parameters such as chemical composition and molecular structure. Computational experiments can greatly help to fill in knowledge gaps from wet lab experiments.

We use multiscale computational models and simulations that apply concepts and techniques from a variety of disciplines, such as biophysics, chemistry, math, and computer science.