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[Colloquium] The Genomics of Quiescent Cells:CS-driven Biological Discovery
January 22, 2008
- Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
- Time: 11 am — 12:15 pm
- Place: ME 218
Maggie Werner-Washburne
Biology Department
University of New Mexico
Abstract: Modern Biology is being revolutionized by genomic approaches, enabled by knowing the entire DNA sequence of an organism. I will talk about types of data, CS approaches, and how we have collaborated with computer scientists to understand more about quiescent yeast cells.
Bio: Maggie Werner-Washburne received a bachelor’s degree in English from Stanford in 1971, master’s degree from the University of Hawaii in Botany in 1979, and a Ph.D. in Botany with a minor in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1984. Her post-doctoral work was in yeast molecular genetics at the University of Wisconsin, where she discovered that heat shock proteins worked as chaperones. She is currently a Professor in the Department of Biology at UNM. Dr. Werner-Washburne has funded continuously since coming to UNM by NSF and NIH and is currently PI of several grants, including the NIH-funded IMSD program, which supports undergraduate and graduate research around campus. She has received a Presidential Young Investigator Award, a Presidential Award for Math, Engineering, and Science Mentoring, and is an AAAS Fellow. Dr. Werner-Washburne’s work has been cited more than 3500 times in the literature. The focus of her research is genomic analysis of quiescence in yeast and development of new CS and statistical approaches for the evaluation, mining, and integration of different data types in genomics and proteomics.