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July 15, 2008

Announcement: ICDM Workshop on Analysis of Dynamic Networks

Since I'm pretty sure that part of the future of research on complex networks lays in understanding how networks evolve over time, this workshop seems quite relevant. Judging by the associated conference and the organizers, this workshop will probably focus on algorithmic techniques for analyzing large amounts of network data.

IEEE Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshop on Analysis of Dynamic Networks (ADN)

December 19, 2008 at the IEEE Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) in Pisa, Italy

Organizers: Tanya Berger-Wolf (UIC), Malik Magdon-Ismail (RPI) and Jared Saia (UNM).

Description: The goal of the Analysis of Dynamic Networks (ADN) workshop is to bring together research that addresses explicitly the dynamic nature of networks in the context of analysis of social, electronic, biological and other networks. We aim to further the development of a computational framework in which one can model, discover and analyze complex interaction systems as they form and evolve.

We invite contributions presenting new computational methods for analysis of dynamic interaction networks, new models of dynamic behavior of networks, or applications of dynamic network analysis in various contexts. Papers presenting new methods should provide experimental or empirical evidence of the performance of the new methods.

In this context, submission topics can include, but are not limited to:
- Modeling dynamic behavior of networks

- Network structure prediction

- Analysis of spreading processes in networks

- Community structure inference

- Search and routing in dynamic networks

- Identification of critical nodes

- Comparison of dynamic networks

- Visualization of dynamic networks

Other topics within the subject area are welcome. Note, that all submitted papers should demonstrate the relevance to the topic of dynamic networks. If unsure whether your paper fits the session theme, please contact one of the co-chairs.

posted July 15, 2008 04:55 PM in Conferences and Workshops | permalink
