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August 13, 2010

Philip Zimbardo on our relationship with time

In this short film, a cartoonist illustrates a portion of a lecture by Philip Zimbardo (yes, that one) on his understanding of different peoples' relationship and perception of time. Mostly, it sounds pretty reasonable, especially if you ignore some of his categorical reasoning and think instead about the general idea of delayed rewards and how different preferences for delay (none, short, long) can lead to social conflict. Toward the end, however, I was rather disappointed at his generational bashing of young people, which he drapes in scientific language to make it sound reasonable. As someone who spent thousands of hours playing video games when I was younger, I have a hard time looking back and feeling any regret.

posted August 13, 2010 08:12 PM in Scientifically Speaking | permalink


A lot of your fellow scientists of your age (myself included) also played lots of video games when we were younger. I still play them on occasion, though much much less than I used to. At any rate, my point is actually that video games and science seem to draw many of the same people, so I think a lot of us have a background that is heavy in video games. (I have no hard data to back up this statement---it just seems to be true based on experience.)

Posted by: Mason Porter at August 15, 2010 12:24 PM

Yes. It's really good illustrations. And good lectures. Philip Zimbardo good specialist. Need more lectures with movie illustrations!

Posted by: Beauty at August 16, 2010 05:14 AM

Good illustrations

Posted by: Online Tutoring at August 17, 2010 08:40 AM